It’s that time again when the Margaret River Ocean Swim tempts us from our post Christmas/New Year haze into raising our heart rates and challenging oneself with 200 other ‘swimmers.’ As with each Margaret River Ocean Swim, the emphasis is on fun, encouraging others and having a go. You may wear fins, wetsuits, snorkels, a pull buoy or what ever it takes to help you feel you can do it.
With lots of prizes mostly awarded randomly just for taking part, prizes will also be awarded to:
-the speediest fish in the ocean who is first across the line
-person closest to their nominated time, as determined by our super new timing system
-Gnarabup Cup for winning team in the team challenge
This swim is made possible due to the assistance from
The Shire of Augusta Margaret River
White Elephant Cafe
Apartment on St Alouarn
Arthur Wines
Bahen & Co
Beneath the Kite Wines
Brewhaus Margaret River
Clairault Strieker
Devils Lair
Island Brook Estate
Margaret River Bakery
Margaret River Hemp Co.
Margaret River Honey Co.
McHenry Hohen Vintners
Passel Estate
Snake & Herring
Stella Bella Wines
Sports Power
Thompson Estate
Vasse Felix
Voyager Estate
Walsh & Sons
In 2018 we have some exciting new developments:
Online entry system: Rewarding those who are organised with an early bird entry fee in 2018 you can enter the swim online, allowing you to save time at registration and sneak a few extra minutes of race preparing sleep that morning!
Fabulous timing system: We have invested in a live timing system to increase the accuracy of results and placings and make it more efficient for us organisers.
Live results: With the new timing system the results of the event will be available online before we all leave the beach.
Closest to Nominated time: With the new timing system we can monitor things such as closest to nominated time adding a new level of competition where being the fastest doesn’t always mean you will win.
Gnarabup Cup: To celebrate the growing popularity of ocean swimming and to bring together the many different users of Gnarabup beach who swim all year, there will also be a special team prize called ‘The Gnarabup Cup’. The prize is awarded to the team with the lowest aggregate time of their 5 best swimmers, who are closest to their nominated time. There is no limit to the amount of swimmers you can have in your team.
Super Cool Buoys: This year we have new ocean buoys to swim around and fabulously designed swim caps for the first 220 entrants that are not the same colour as the buoys!
How to be part of such fun and frivolity:
• Enter online, submit your estimated time for the 1km course.
• Enter the team name you are part of it you want a chance to win ‘The Gnarabup Cup’
• The closest actual finish time to nominated wins
• Results will show the actual finish time, the predicted time and the difference between the two
• The top 5 for each team who have the lowest time difference from nominated and actual time will have their time differences added together. The team with the lowest aggregate time wins the inaugural Gnarabup Cup and beach bragging rights for the year.
• There is no limit on team numbers however only 5 best time differences will be counted.
What are you waiting for? Enter now and tell your mates to enter too!