Congratulations to all of you who completed the CSS testing last week.I am writing this on Mothers day because I love looking at results (yes I am odd). I love to see how you have all faired. It helps that Maritia and I know you all and can add the personal element to these results and I hope that you will take that into account when you look at the results too.
Many people who posted strong times started swimming with SW unable to complete 6 or 8 lengths. (Gary, Brendan, Lee, Maria, Heather…) Some people are posting the same time as 6 months ago but they have since broken an arm (Claire Spence – you were actually faster), a leg (Jamie Bainbridge – you are faster and you used to do it with Fins on!), had the black lung (Cate Worsley)……
There were improvements across the board and most of all to those who have been swimming a few times a week and been thinking about their stroke. I genuinely believe practising arm strokes out of the water has really helped Maritia smash her 400 time. There is a lot to be said for dry land practise.
Below are the results, plus historical ones, you may like to look at to compare.
CSS MAY 2017
CSS historical
Interpreting the results:
We clocked the time for your first 100m of your 400 and the spreadsheet shows how much your pace changed in the following 100’s. This is really valuable information. If your pace dropped off it shows how many meters you were behind had you held your initial 100 pace the whole time. This tells a lot about your pool fitness and your pacing ability. Chat to us about how you can improve this.
For future swim sessions we will be getting you to swim at a pace related to your CSS time. Have a look at these numbers. It really helps us if you know what your CSS pace is. The pace per 25 for CSS is what your beeper should show on mode 1. The Go pace is the base level for your beeper on mode 2. I will expand on that soon.
Happy browsing.