Is it possible to be busier than ever before and yet quieter? My e-mail inbox has changed from swim related to school related e-mails to the power of 3, or E=3(n+1)! It’s all algebra and indices and to be honest my grey matter is sketchy, although I am grateful to the head of science, english and technology in our house for covering those subjects! As a mum, a swimmer, a juggler but not an acrobat I worry about the mental health of my tribe.
I imagine many of us are similar, grappling with what this new situation means for us, trying to make a new normal out of differing daily pressures. It is hard in this time to find space, aside from a locked bathroom door, let alone time to look after ourselves. As your swim coach:
I am suggesting really strongly with my most encouraging voice and facial expression that you take some time each day for you.
Taking time for you can be something as simple as 10 deep breaths as you wait for the kettle to boil, writing your feelings in a journal or something more involved like an online work out, a walk or ocean swim- please do it.
The other bossy thing I am asking you to do is please don’t look at social media and feel inadequate. Do NOT feel guilty that you haven’t done a daily work out, created amazing home based science projects with your kids or learnt a new language having already sorted out your entire house. I’m telling you as much as I am telling myself.
Take time for you and be kind to yourself.
The Australian Psychological Society has put together a guide to maintaining mental health in social isolation. It has some good food for thought. There are also earlier posts talking about managing disappointment at this time and managing diet working from home that you may have missed. We don’t have to do this alone or be super heroes.