Well for those of you lucky enough to turn up to a session last week you would have had your CSS results tested. That’s short for Critical Swim Speed. If you don’t know what that is you can click here. If you are just beginning please do not worry yourself that you can’t comprehend this information just yet. When you are ready and it is relevant Rish or I will explain it to you.
For first timers – well done you have numbers on the board so you can follow your swimming journey with more accuracy. For repeat CSSers there was a lot less complaining than normal so congratulations and thank you to you.
Please take a look at your numbers and reflect. Did you feel you were 100% charging here or where you feeling a little under the weather? Did the results reflect this? Did you have to stop a few times and over take or did you fade after going out too hard at the beginning.
An honest evaluation of how you felt on the day can help you interpret the numbers and when you use them enable you to see if you need to tweak your times a little.
As always there were enormous improvements for some, little or no change for others and a slower time than previous for the remainder. Everything is normal. Talk to your coach about your result and find ways to help you improve.
Please have a look at your 100m CSS time and try to remember it!! Then remember your 25m time so you know what your beeper needs to say when it is your turn to wear one.
If you have a beeper set it on mode one to your new CSS pace. This can help you remember it and help you be organised for your next swim!
For those of you who missed out on such an exciting challenge in the pool you can do your own CSS timing let me know your results so I can calculate your CSS pace.
How to do a CSS test swim:
Warm up 500-600m with some higher intensity 25’s or 50’s to get your blood pumping.
Swim 400m as fast as you can – try to swim a strong pace throughout – rather than go out too hard and slow down. Record the time of this 400 and the time of your first 100m. If you can have a friend or accurate watch to help you do this it will provide a better result.
Swim easy then some drills for another 400-600m.
Swim 200m hard and time yourself.
Do what you wish –the testing is over.
Send me your 100,400 and 200 times and I will tell you what your threshold pace is, your CSS.