Name First Last How old are you?(Required)Please enter a number from 12 to 90.Birth Country(Required)Do you currently swim regularly?(Required) YES NO Where do you swim?(Required)local shire poolprivate pooloceanriverlakeHow often would you swim?(Required)hardly everOnce a month4/5 times a month2/3 times a weekmore than 3x weekHow far would you swim?(Required)Less than 500m500-1.5k2-3k3k+Do you think this program is a good use of government money for women in regional areas?(Required)ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleHas this project encouraged you to... Choose as many as you want(Required) get outside more be active keep swimming get fit visit the local pool for swimming more often visit the local beach for swimming more often Select AllWhat type of Swimmer would you describe yourself as? Choose as many as you want(Required) Non-swimmer Beginner Slow freestyler Slow breaststroker Pool Swimmer Ocean Swimmer Select AllRate what gets in the way of you swimming. 1 star = not relevant 5 stars very relevantAccess to a pool or beach.ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleMy current fitness and abilities.ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleI don't know what I should be doing when I'm swimmingExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleLimited for time.ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleFear of judgement in my abilityExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleFear of judgement in how I lookExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleProjects like She Can Swim for regional women should be made more availableStrongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeComments, Questions? What would you like to know about swimming?Please provide a little story on your swimming journey and how this project may have helped you as a regional country woman(Required)Consent I agree to this information being used to promote the Outdoor Active Recreation grant project.