A good helping of heavy rain and roaring thunder, has been broken up with a few warm days to tease us that summer is on its way. There is nothing quite like a swim in the summer. Going to the pool early in the morning with the beautiful morning sun coming over the horizon, or a late afternoon swim where you leave the pool and it is still light really helps keep energy levels high.
One thing that really epitomises summer for me is swimming in the ocean. Its one thing I never regret, but I do feel hot and bothered if I get home from the beach and didn’t jump in past my knees! There is nothing quite like that cool flush of the ocean over your body to make you feel great and in the magnificent waters we have in Margaret River you often get cool things to look at too.
To get people into tip top shape for summer a new term of Swimming Women will start on Tuesday October 22. You can book to sign up for a course, or if you have swam with us before sign up for the general sessions by clicking here. There will also be a Swim[Men] session once a week.
Swimming Women will be organising a Margaret River Ocean swim to be held on the first weekend in January and more details of the event will be posted here over the coming weeks. To help prepare for that event, for any other ocean swimming events people may have entered, and even for an annual dip in the sea on Christmas Day, we shall be practising open water swimming techniques in the pool and start a weekly come one come all ocean session in November.
I do hope you are able to join in this next term and if you can’t that you still get to the water, and revitalise.