For many of us fitting exercise into our lives is hard enough anyway without other people, work, family and other hobbies getting in the way. To alleviate this Swimming Women is introducing the Power lunch into the mix.
You may need to run, surf or ride whilst it is cool first thing, or be busy at work and looking after everyone else in the morning and maybe just too tired or distracted later in the day. If any of this sounds familiar and you can swim 400m you can join the Tuesday Power Lunch.
This session is designed to give you a cardio work out with a technique thought for the week that will help your swimming. Starting at 12.30 there will be a choice to finish at 1.15 or 1.30 enabling you to get back on with your day knowing you have dedicated some time to your own health and wellbeing.
You can sign up here and pay in advance for a full term or pay by the class. There are also sessions on Tuesdays 6-7am and Thursdays 5.30-6.30 that you are welcome to join. As long as you can swim the distance you can join this class. What are you waiting for…..see you at the pool!