Phew, it has been a busy start to a new term of Swimming Women, Swim[Men] and Swim~Girl~Swim. As always it is really lovely to share swimming insights with people that love swimming and I come home from each class energised and perhaps a little over excited.
Planning is now underway for the coming months. A few people have been keen to join the classes since the rough sea caused a few upsets in Augusta last weekend, and as they set their sights on the Busselton Jetty Swim, and the Dunsborough X adventure. Based on this it is likely I will run a mini swimming women course prior to Christmas and will post info on this soon.
If you are already swimming save the date for the Margaret River Ocean Swim on January 4th. This is a swimming women event and it would be fantastic to have lots of people participating. The goal is to get lots of prizes for taking part and having fun, with the emphasis on those 2 things rather than landing on the sand first. There are plenty of other events for that!
Are you considering entering the Busselton Jetty Swim? Please put your team name down as Swimming Women. There are team prizes for the team with the most team members and I aim to have a tent up there where we can all hang out and encourage each other as well as leave our gear whilst swimming. The plan is to have a brunch style picnic on the beach straight after. The link to entries is shown on the event page.
Now, most importantly. I would really like to know what you think of Swimming Women and welcome any feedback on ways to improve. I write each session each week based on what I think you are aiming for but I would love to write it based on what you tell me you want to achieve. If you have less than 5 minutes it would be brilliant if you could click here to take a survey. Many thanks in advance!